Action Words — Burmese Verbs
So far we have been using some Burmese verbs ka1-ri1-ya2
in the sentences. Here is a review (Sortable):
sa3 | eat |
thwa3 | go |
lo2 | need |
ga1-za3 | play |
na3 | rest |
loat | do something |
pyay3 | run |
cha1 | fight |
la2 | come |
ku2 | help |
kjite | like (something) |
shi1 | have (something) |
ya1 | be permitted; be available |
sun3 | try out (something) |
yone2 | believe; trust (someone) |
leare2 | visit |
yu2 | take |
yay3 | write |
thi1 | know (something) |
khau2 | call |
yut | park the car; stop (e.g., at the security check point, officer says "yut!") |
nay2 | stay |
toe3 | inch forward; push forward; move forward |
hsoat | go backward; to retreat |
kway1 | turn |
ho3 | stop (the vehicle) |
tet | go up (the vehicle, stairs) |
hsin3 | go down; get down (e.g, from vehicle) |
lite | come along |
pay3 | pay; give; hand over |
leare3 | exchange (money, merchandize, etc..) |
kji1 | watch |
weare2 | buy |
ku3 | cross the road. (Note: also to swim; to copy) |
si3 | ride (car, bus, horse, bicycle, rickshaw, plane, train, boat, elevator, hot air balloon, etc..) |
In English, to watch is to look more attentively, not a casual glance by turning your head. You look, you see, and you watch if you like what you see. You see something only after you look — not you see first then look.
Myanmar language does not differentiate between "look" and "watch". kji1 in Burmese means to watch as in TV kji1 — Watch TV as well as to take a look.
The negative imperative phrase will be ma1-kji1 neare1 which means either "Don't Watch" or "Don't look".
myin2, on the other hand, is perceiving or seeing something as you turn your head. So,
myin2 dine3 ma1-kji1 neare1 means "Don't look (and pay attention) every time you see something."
Now, we will build up more vocabulary:
Category: Cleaning up
a-woot shau2 — wash clothes (clothes + wash)
ba1-gun2 hsay3 — wash dishes (plates + wash)
let hsay3 — wash the hand (hand + wash)
yay2 cho3 — take a bath or shower (water + bathe)
pfone2 thoat — to dust (dust + wipe out)
a-khan3 shin3 — tidy up the room as in room service (room + tidy-up)
How to make requests in Burmese?
To say, "I want to ... " the general format is:
xxxx chin2 deare2, where you substitute xxxx with the verb of your choice.
a-woot shau2 chin2 deare2 — I want to wash clothes.
yay2 cho3 chin2 deare2 — I want to take shower.
lite chin2 deare2 — I want to come along.
To suggest something, add the particle "ba2" after the verb with the format:
xxxx ba2
ba2 softens the tone from ordering to suggesting. Note the difference:
tet — officer ordering the soldier to go up.
tet ba2 — Driver politely telling the passenger to go inside (up) the vehicle.
ba2 ome3 — softens the tone even more.
Sa3 ba2 ome3 "Won't you have (eat) some?
Please refer to Lesson 2 and 3 for basic sentence constructions. If you know the general pattern, you can just substitute the verbs in most cases.
Here are some more useful verbs and phrasal verbs:
Seeing a Doctor
hsay3 thout — take medication in liquid or tablet form (medicine + drink)
hsay3 hto3 — inject with needle (medicine + punch or poke through)
pya1 — to show
hsa1-ya2-woon2 pya1 — see a doctor. (doctor + show)
hsa1-ya2-woon2 khau2 — call a doctor. (doctor + call)
ba2-dtha2 pyan2 — translate. (language or subject + translate)
pfone3 khau2 — make a phone call. (phone + call)
e3-may3 po1 — send email. (email + send)
Emergency Situation
tet-si2 khau2 — call taxi. (taxi + call)
thun2-yone3 thwa3 — go to the embassy. (embassy + go)
yeare3 tine2 — make a police report. (police + report)
dau2-la2 leare3 — exchange dollar into local currency.(dollar + exchange)
Waking Up in the morning
ate-ya2 hta1 — wake up. (bed + stand)
ain2-dtha2 win2 — go to the bathroom. (toilet + enter)
myet-hna2 thit — freshen up by washing the face. (face + new)
thwa3 tite — brush teeth. (tooth + knock or rub)
moat-hsate yate — shave. (beard + shave)
Preparing to go to work
mate-kut lain3 — put on make-up and cosmetics. (cosmetic+ rub)
tha1-nut-kha3 lain3 — put on burmese traditional cosmetic made from bark of a type of tree. Burmese women and children use this paste for protection from the sun.(a type of tree bark + rub)
goun3 pfe3 — comb hair. (head + to comb)
a-woot leare3 — change clothes. (clothes + change)
ma1-net sa2 sa3 — have breakfast. (morning + portion + eat)
pfa1-nut si3 — put on footwear. (slippers, shoes + ride)
hti3 hsoun3 — use an umbrella. (umbrella + put up)
Morning Rush Hour
a-loat thwa3 — go to work. (work + go)
kjoun3 thwa3 — go to school. (school + go)
a-loat sha2 — look for work. (work + search)
but-sa1-ka3 soun1 — wait for the bus. (bus + wait)
but-sa1-ka3 si3 — take a bus. (bus + ride)
ka3 moun3 — drive a car. (car + drive)
Note: Public buses are now called line3 ka3 where line3 refer to the route indicated by the route number. Rates in Yangon as of July 2016 range from 200 Kyat to 300 Kyat for the entire trip covering greater Yangon that stretches as far as 15 miles.
On January 16, 2017 a new bus system (YBS) with new numbers were introduced in Yangon. See the routes with all the bus stops and detailed maps at
At Work
a-loat tet — start work as in start of the shift. (work + go up)
a-loat loat — to work (work [noun] + to work [verb])
hsway3-nway3 — discuss
twet-chet — calculate; do the math.
yi2-twet — count
pyin2-hsin2 — prepare
kjau2-nya2 — advertise
sin3-za3 — think
say1-sut — negotiate
lu2-hnga3 — hire people. (people + rent/hire)
hnga3-yan3 — to rent
sit-hsay3 — inspect
htain3-thain3 — maintain
pyin2 — repair
sun3 — to test
sin2 — assemble
htoat — pack
youn3 weare2 — buy & sell. (sell + buy)
hsone3-pfyut — make decisions.
si2-mun2 khan1-gweare3 — manage
a-loat kjan3 loat — do a menial work. (job + rough + do)
za1-ga3 pyau3 — chit-chat (spoken language + speak)
a-chain2 pfyone3 — waste time. (time + waste)
Lunch Time
nay1-leare2 za2 sa3 — have lunch. (afternoon + portion + eat)
let hsay3 — wash the hand. (hand + wash)
let thoat — dry or clean the hand with napkin. (hand + wipe)
ba1-zut thoat — wipe the mouth clean with napkin. (mouth + wipe)
yay2 thout — drink water. (water + drink)
a-pau1 thwa3 — go to the restroom. (urine + go)
a-na3 yu2 — rest. (a rest + take)
Back to Work
a-loat pyan2 loat — resume work. (work [noun] + return + to work [verb])
la1-pfet-yay2 thout — drink tea. (tea + drink)
na2-yi2 kji1 — look at the clock. (watch or clock + look or watch)
thwa3 bo1 pyin2 — prepare to go. (go + for + prepare)
End of Shift
a-loat hsin3 — to end work as in the end of shift and knock-off time (work [noun] + go down)
Oddly enough, it also refers to start work in the beginning of shift. For the later case, the reference point is probably going down the stairs of one's home.
kjoun3 hsin3 — finish class. (school + to go down); never use this for start of class.
ain2 pyan2 — go back home. (house + to return, to repeat)
Back Home
da1-ga3 pfwin1 — open the door. (door + open)
pfa1-nut choot — remove footwear. (slippers, shoes + take-off)
It is a Burmese custom to remove footwear at the door.
hta1-min3 chet — cook rice. (rice + cook)
hin3 chet — cook a dish which is eaten with rice. (dish + cook)
ain3-ji2 choot — take off the shirt. (shirt + take off)
goun3 shau2 — shampoo hair. (head + wash)
yay2 cho3 — take a bath or shower. (water + bathe)
mi3 pfwin1 — switch on the lights. (fire or light + open)
mi3 htoon3 — shine a flashlight or light up the lamp. (fire or light + light up)
chin2 zay3 htoon3 — light up or to spray mosquito repellents. (mosquito + chemical compound + light up)
Dinner Time
hta1-min3 sa3 — general term to have a meal. (rice + eat)
hsu1 toun3 — say Grace. [Christian rituals] (wish or trophy + ask for)
nya1 za2 sa3 — have dinner. (night + portion + eat)
za1-bweare3 shin3 — clean up the table. (table + tidy up)
yay2 pfwin1 — turn on the water, e.g., from the tap, faucet, pipe. (water + open)
ba1-gun2 hsay3 — wash dishes. (plates + wash)
yay2 pate — turn off the water, e.g., from the tap, faucet (water + close)
Before going to bed
ray2-de2-yo2 na3 htoun2 — listen to the radio. (radio + listen)
ti2-bwe2 kji1 — watch TV. (TV + to watch)
sa2 pfut — read a book; to study. (literature, letter, words + read)
pan2-ka2 pfwin1 — turn on the fan. (fan + open)
eare3-koon3 pfwin1 — turn on the air-conditioner. (air-cond. + open)
pfa1-ya3 shit-kho3 — say prayers. [Buddhist rituals] (God or the Buddha or a symbol representing the Buddha + pay respect)
ti2-bwe2 pate — switch off TV. (TV + close)
chin2-doun2 cha1 — set up a mosquito-net in the sleeping area. (mosquito net + pull down)
mi3 pate — switch off the light. (light or fire + close)
ate — sleep
Category: Basic Body Motions and 5 senses
htine2 — sit
hta1 — stand up (to maintain upright position)
hleare3 — lie down
ma1 — lift up
toon3 — push
hsweare3 — pull
htan3 — carry on the shoulder
kja3 — hear
myin2 — see
yu2 — take
kine2 — hold with the hand
kine2 hta3 — keep holding on tight
hloot lite — release by ungrasping of the hand, by withdrawal of the foot, letting go mentally, or to physically release a captive.
pyau3 — tell
pyan2 pyau3 — repeat what one said. (repeat + say)
au2 — shout or scream
pyan2 loat — repeat or do it one more time. (repeat + do)
Category: Office and Clerical
mate-tu2 ku3 — make photocopies. (photocopy + copy)
dut-pone2 yite — take photos. (photos + hit or strike)
pfoun2 pfyay1 — fill up the form. (form + fill up)
let-hmut hto3 — sign one's name. (signature + punch)
pike-hsun2 pay3 — pay money. (money + pay)
let-hmut hto3 — formal word to sign one's name.
ngway2 thwin3 — make payment at the counter (money + deposit)
cha1-lun2 htoat — get the receipt (receipt + issue).
Category: Leisure
yay2 ku3 — swim (water + swim)
hlay2 hlau2 — row a boat. (boat + row)
ywet-hlay2 hlau2 — sail a boat. (sailing boat + sail)
toun2 tet — climb a mountain. (hill or mountain + go up)
lun3-shout htwet — go out for a walk. (walk + come out)
set-bain3 si3 — ride a bicycle. (bicycle + ride)
zay3 weare2 — go shopping. (market + buy)
gout-thi3 yite — play golf. (golf + hit or strike)
eare1-dtheare2 pfyau2-byay2 — entertain guests. (guest + entertain)
chin3-lone3 khut — play a non-competitive sport participated by a small group of people [usually 4 or 5] facing each other in a circular formation, where the objective of the game is to keep the ball made of cane in the air as long as possible by means of foot, shoulder, head, and parts of the body except the hand, and by passing around. (cane basket + ball + toss with foot)
a-yet thout — drink alcohol (alcohol + drink)
tha1-chin3 hso2 — sing a song (song + sing)
yoat-shin2 kji1 — watch movie (movie + to watch)
pfa1-ya3 bweare3 thwa3 — go to night time festival at the pagoda compound where there are all-night shows as well as stalls selling food and variety of items in a Carnival style environment. (Pagoda + festival + go)
pfeare3 yite — play cards (playing cards + hit or strike)
loun3-ga1-za3 — gamble (gamble + play)